Unreleased movie posters prompted by Talenthouse upon official agreements with film studios

I saw Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure in the theater when I was a kid. I loved it. The sequel not as much. But these two adorable airheads capture a sincere commitment to making our world a better place through the wisdom of history and of course, most triumphant music. With all sincerity, party on dudes!

I’ve always loved James Bond. I started with Roger Moore when I was a kid in the eighties and have been on board ever since. I read many of the original series wonderfully conceived of and crafted by Ian Fleming. The charm of his writing is undeniable.
When casting for Casino Royale (2006), they nailed it the series update with Daniel Craig. He brought a brusque, hard-boiled Bond to the big screen. This man sweat and bled. Death is always a blink of an eye away from Bond. No less in this final appearance of Craig as the world's most famous secret agent.