Can you illustrate my story?
I appreciate the interest from writers asking me illustrate the stories they've worked so hard to produce. As this is my vocation, it's typically not feasible for me to commit to covers or interior illustrations for individuals. However, if you’re planning on submitting your manuscript to publishers, rest assured they handle hiring illustrators. This role is performed by the art director, who works with the illustrator to make your book the best it can be. You're certainly welcome to encourage them to bring me on board!
Can I buy prints of your artwork?
Can I buy original paintings?
Yes indeed; here is my storefront. I also exhibit with galleries that showcase my paintings. You can stay current on social media to see what's for sale. If you have a question about a specific piece, I can let you know its status.
How do you make your artwork?
I paint with oils. When illustrating I scan the paintings and add digital enhancements.
Can I use your paintings for tattoos?
I'm flattered when people ask to make my artwork a permanent part of their lives. I don't ask for any money when requests arrive to get my paintings inked. My one term is that you take the time to find a tattoo artist that can handle the detail. Rendering strokes of paints with a needle isn't easy! If you would like to commission an original piece feel free to email me. You can watch a video conversation on tattoos.
What kind of projects are you interested in working on?
I'd like to paint a large mural about nature and imagination. A book about dragons would be great too. I'm really into being involved with endeavors about the truth of being human, our history, and where we're headed. This could include a gallery show, an insightful podcast, or a fun manuscript for kids. When I have the time I would be excited to create the card art for a tarot deck.
Are you concerned about the future of humanity?
While the world appears to be in a tumultuous state, I'm genuinely excited about the years ahead of us. You can learn why and a whole lot more here.
Can I help support your work?
That's very nice of you to offer. Hop on over to Patreon to learn more.